How to Code
The gist:
- An exploration of functional programming with ‘How to Code: Simple Data’
- Gaining command over data structures, types and the test-driven approach
- The importance of data definition, templates, and readable codes
“How to Code: Simple Data” serves as a competent introduction to functional programming and coding at large. This course harnesses the novice-friendly language of Dr.Racket to guide learners into the realm of data-driven programming. Initially, it highlights the role of data structures and types in designing well-structured functions.
A salient aspect of the course is its emphasis on code readability and maintainability. It underscores the importance of robust practices like clear commenting and implementing signatures and stubs.
What sets this course apart is its test-driven approach. By using structured tests to form reliable functions, it offers a scalability pathway and clarity on what to anticipate from a function.
The knowledge gained is applied in the final project - a replication of the ‘Space Invaders’ game. This was a fun little project with challenges scattered here and there. I enjoyed it, although BSL doesn’t make coding very elegant. It is full of parenthesis, which made me quickly appreciate all the simplicity of Python.
There were also some quirks that I did not enjoy. During my work, I tend to work in the command line, which was not possible with this language. I could code in the terminal (btw I use VIM) but I couldn’t simply run the tests and see the rendering. This made me miss my home and appreciate my personal development environment.
In conclusion, ‘How to Code: Simple Data’ ingrains a solid grasp of Test-Driven Development and fosters a data-centric thought process. Even if you’re already adept at coding, the course provides insights into good practices. Particularly, recursion stood out, as it was a technique I had seldom used, coming from an object-driven language background.
Complex Data
Recently, I embarked on an enlightening 6-week Python programming course that deepened my understanding of data manipulation and object-oriented programming concepts. I would love to share my learning experience with you, illustrating each week’s module with an example involving a Person
Week 1: Mutual Reference
We kicked off the course with the concept of mutual reference, where two or more data structures refer to each other, forming a cyclic relationship. In our case, a Person
object might reference their parent and their children, illustrating the concept clearly.
class Person:
def __init__(self, name, parent=None, children=None): = name
self.parent = parent
self.children = children if children is not None else []
Week 2: Two One-Of Types
The second week introduced us to the idea of handling two different types, Adult and Child. We created interactions between these two types, demonstrating their differing behaviors.
class Adult:
def __init__(self, name, children=None): = name
self.children = children if children is not None else []
class Child:
def __init__(self, name, parent=None): = name
self.parent = parent
def greet(parent, child):
print(f"{} the parent greets {} the child.")
Week 3: Abstraction
Abstraction, the heart of week three, taught us how to design more general and versatile functions. We developed an ‘interact’ function that could carry out any specified action between a parent and child.
def interact(parent, child, action):
action(parent, child)
def greet(parent, child):
print(f"{} greets {}.")
Week 4: Generative Recursion
Week four led us into the fascinating world of generative recursion. Using this concept, we generated the renowned Sierpinski triangle, a classic example of a fractal.
import turtle
def sierpinski(length, depth):
# Base case: just draw a triangle
# Recursive case: 3 smaller Sierpinski triangles
# Note: this should be run in an environment supporting turtle graphics
sierpinski(200, 4)
Week 5: Accumulators
In the fifth week, we explored accumulators, variables that aggregate values over iterations. We implemented a function to count the number of a person’s descendants.
def count_descendants(person):
count = len(person.children)
for child in person.children:
count += count_descendants(child)
return count
Week 6: Graphs
The final week exposed us to the concept of graphs. We modeled our family relationships as a graph, with each person as a node and parent-child relationships as edges.
def find_ancestor(person, name):
if == name:
return person
if person.parent:
return find_ancestor(person.parent, name)
return None
This six-week Python course brought to life a multitude of concepts, from mutual references to generative recursion. Each week unveiled a new dimension of Python programming, underscoring the language’s flexibility in modeling real-world situations. Such an enlightening journey underlines the beauty of learning and the power of Python.